Sir David Attenbough Typography


Design and produce a viral animation / commercial in which you produce words where the type used empathises with the word’s meanings and explores graphical styles.

Research and Development

With this project, I wanted to continue with my previous 'Turtle Climate Change poster' that I did in the earlier week and evolve it into a whole new dynamic of climate protection awareness

I had in mind using one of David Attenbough’s famous quotes that he had said over the years of his BBC Documentaries or at an environmental news conference.
Therefore I spent time looking into all of the different quotes and ‘famous’ quotes that he had said in regards top the health of the climate and what has to be done in the future, but I couldn’t find any sort of quotations that suited what I had in mind.

Then I stumbled upon a YouTube video, where he was doing an interview for ‘Lad Bible’ where Sir David Attenbough has a two way interview with a younger naturalist. From the video I found a suitable quote from him during the interview.

This was one the first areas of inspiration for my typography aniamtion, due to it's simplicity, straight to the point wording,
as well as the aniamtion skills.


I recorded the spoken audio from the video using my own microphone and recorded it into the audio recording software, Garage band.
After converting the audio file, I then downloaded the file into after-effects.

From this I used the poster background that I constructed on Photoshop and started to develop it on Adobe After Effects.
To begin with i went onto “DAFONT.COM’ and found a font called ‘Lato’ which aesthetically presents its self as a very informative and imposing font towards the reader, where I then downloaded the font and implemented it into Aftereffects.

Afterwards I started to write and layout each individual word for the sequences to occur. I had to make sure that each word lined up exactly with David Attenboughs wording during the interview to ensure that the words would sync perfectly with the audio.

Once the text was positioned, I had to individually layout and size each word. I experimented with altering the size and placing each word, in order to get a far more diverse sequence to occur.

On the left is the final static version of the typograpgy aniamtion
with all of the words from the interview placed in perfect order.

Final Aniamtion